Then there was the rather large distraction of making a choice...I had got rather used to being told what to do so this needed extra care. I decided to go for the Titty Torture in the end, although the makeup counter would have been pretty difficult I felt that I should do some thing to cheer you up and make you laugh if you have another stressful day.
Therefore I decided to humiliate myself to the max by sissying up and dancing for you.
I purchased the archetypal slut-red 1/4 cup bra with peepholes and was served by a man trying to make polite chat and in an effort to get out of the shop as quickly as possible got upsold a pair of crotchless skirt/panties to match. Anything for an easy life.

Resplendent in my new outfit I started to stroke my clittie, which again was oozing precum into my panties which was soon applied to my nipples that were now standing to attention because of the lacy trim around the bra and the peepholes.
Thirty minutes was a big test as there was alot of precum and having to slow down as I neared the edge of my clittie wanting to fill my panties.
I now realise that this was not even the start of the trial as I applied the clothespins for 15 mins.
The first 3 minutes were bad and every time I caught the clothespins pain shot through my nipples. After 10 minutes I got into the swing of things and got a bit more daring with my twisting and tweaking.
15 minutes were up and the pins came off. Owwwwwwwwww....Thank you for that. As the blood rushed back in I felt stomach churning pain particularly when I tried to tweak, twist or gently rub them.
I was counting down the minutes until 15 and then greatfully started to ice my nipples. This was a great relief and I am sure steam came off them.

Next was the dancing...and the realisation to my dismay that the clothespins would have to go back on!
With a lot of lip biting, wincing and the odd tear in my eye the clothespins were reapplied and I began to dance to a slut collection of tracks that I had been planning earlier in the day.
I have sent Akasha a seperate email with a sample in...not out of vanity, not to show off, but just to make her laugh if her day has been stressful.
I finish this post with my nipples still glowing red hot...
As always thank you for the lesson.
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